4 Apps To Help You Have A Stress-Free Christmas

4 Apps To Help You Have A Stress-Free Christmas

With December 25th just a couple of short weeks away, we hope you’ve got everything in hand and can look forward to the big day without having to stress too much about it. But we know this may not be the case, with everything there is to get done, from buying contemporary modern gifts to doing all that food shopping.

To help you keep on top of everything and keep the family happy at this time of year, here are a few apps that could ensure the festive season goes swimmingly - and that you don’t sink!

Santa’s Bag

This is a really handy app that helps you keep track of all the presents you’ve purchased and who for. How many times over the years have you finished your Christmas shopping and then gone to do the wrapping, only to have a hard time remembering what was for whom.


This app lets you make lists of who you need to buy for, set budgets for everyone and keep track of all your present ideas, making life a lot easier into the bargain.

Secret Santa

If you have a small office, organising Secret Santa is a breeze but if there are lots of you it can quickly become confusing. Use an app like Secret Santa to do all the hard work for you - all you have to do is input all the relevant email addresses, enter a description of the conditions of the game and then hit Send. Job done!

BBC Good Food

If you’re still planning your menus for Christmas dinner and want to do something a little different, or try out some new recipes, the BBC Good Food app is a great one to use for inspiration, tips and ideas.

The website itself also has a Christmas Kitchen section on it right now that features all the recipes, guides and videos you could possibly ask for, as well as lots of cooking advice.

KitchenPad Timer

There’s an awful lot going on when it comes to Christmas dinner and it can be hard to keep track of all the different timings for the turkey, the roast potatoes, the vegetables, the gravy, the bread sauce… no wonder you often find yourself feeling quite frazzled when trying to feed the family!


This app gives you the control back, allowing you to manage multiple cook times from your oven, grill and stove, with all the information you need at a glance.

These are just a couple of apps that could prove useful at this time of year but we’d love to hear if you’ve got any particular favourites that help you keep on top of all your Christmas jobs. Give us a shout today to let us know which apps you find especially helpful over the festive period.