Clock some of our funky ways to tell the time

Clock some of our funky ways to tell the time

Time controls our lives so it’s perfectly understandable if you want to take your time to choose a new clock. Picking a clock for the home or the office environment can rather testing though, you want to take your time but the clock is ticking, even though you haven’t found it yet!

So let us help you at Contemporary Heaven, we’ve listed some of our funkiest pendulum clocks in our latest blog and we’ve got plenty more options in stock as well if swinging isn’t your thing.

Nextime Chef Pendulum Clock – Calling all gastros. We’ve got stacks of pendulum clocks at Contemporary Heaven so swing our way and take your pick from a great range of wall and mantle clocks that are totally unique and exclusive to our store. We’re pretty proud of the Nextime Chef Pendulum Clock, it’s the perfect gift for the happy chef in your life. The case of the clock is a tin and the pendulum is a whisk, it’s the perfect wall clock for busy chefs that have to keep their eye on the time when they have recipes cooking in the oven. 

Nextime Scholar Pendulum Clock – It’s hard not to be impressed by the range of clocks from Nextime, their chef’s clock is perfect for the kitchen environment and their Scholar clock is ideal for studies too. It has a removable storage section that’s perfect for keeping writing instruments close by and the pendulum is a metal ruler which reverses, so you can display centimetres or inches and convert measurements with ease.  Buy it for a student, treat yourself if you are distance learning, or simply get one because it looks cool.

Balvi Woodpecker Clock – We love quirky at Contemporary Heaven and clocks don’t come any idiosyncratic than this offering from the Balvi collection. It’s a pendulum clock but the movement is on the side of the product, shaped like a woodpecker! The body of the clock is white, long and slim, the hands made from classy chrome and when the pendulum moves it looks like the woodpecker is ‘pecking’ the side of the clock. Simply stunning and totally original.

These are just a handful of the trendy, wacky and downright crazy clocks we have at Contemporary Heaven, if you like cool clocks why shop elsewhere?