How To Decorate Your Bedroom Wall

How To Decorate Your Bedroom Wall


When decorating your home, the bedroom can often take on a different style to the rest of the home, needing to embrace a cozy and personal vibe while also being trendy and stylish.

The walls are the ideal place to express your personality in the bedrooms, whether you want a wall of vintage or abstract art, or maybe show of your love of books with built-in book shelving. We have a look at some ideas to create a stunning statement bedroom wall.

1. Use The Wall Space For Shelves In Levels

Shelves can be more than practical addition, and when used in levels can look stylish, as well as being somewhere to display decorative items, favorite books, photos, and more. You can play it safe with shelves the same color as the wall, or be bold and use shaving in bright playful colors.

2. Make It A Vintage Wall

If you prefer a more vintage or old-fashioned look to your bedroom, then why not make one wall in a bedroom a statement vintage wall. You could opt for a large vintage statement wall decor piece, or maybe create a gallery wall with a variety of vintage photos in frames of different sizes.

3. Add A Stunning Mirror On The Wall

From full-length mirrors to ornate and interesting-shaped ones, a mirror on the wall can help accentuate the decor, as well as create the illusion of more space and light. Got for a mirror that has a stunning design that matches the aesthetics of your room.

4. Add A Pop Of Colour To The Walls

If your bedroom walls are all painted one color, then why not consider wallpapering one wall. You could go for a patterned, abstract wallpaper, an old, traditional-style print, or add blocks of color in contrasting shades to create a balanced look.

If you’re looking for interesting wall art, why not have a look at our trophy head wall décor in our online store!