Multi Photo Frames Are The 21st Century Way To Keep Your Special Photos

Multi Photo Frames Are The 21st Century Way To Keep Your Special Photos

In days gone by, a few photographs of the family were treasured by many people. Going back 100 years, yes, we had cameras, but they were very limited in their abilities. So the black and white photo of your great grandad and grandma on their wedding day may still be a treasured item. Heck, only 30 years ago, while we had cameras with some great features, we still had to use rolls of film. We had to wrap them carefully and either take them to Boots to be developed, or, as many people did, send them off to another developer somewhere in the country who, we were promised, would do a far better job!

How times have changed! Only ten or twelve years ago this writer was discussing cameras with an owner of a camera shop and he actually said that he would like to say that modern cameras didn’t produce such good results as those that used film, but that he had to admit that they not only produced equivalent quality, but better photos.

Fast forward to today, and we all have mobile phones, which are basically portable computers that just happen to have a phone in them amongst other things. And one of those other things is a camera. Not only do we have cameras in them, we can also take videos.

The result is that many people take constant photos all day and every day of everything that they see and that is going on around them. They simply delete the ones they don’t think are very good or just don’t want to keep after they have sent them to their friends.

However, every now and again we take a photo and look at it and think that it’s so great we want to keep it. Print it off and frame it. Yes, it’s easy to upload it to the laptop and then download it to the printer, we have a photo. Or several photos.

But now what? Well, in keeping with the modern-day trend, the answer is to mount those photos in one of the multi photo frames we offer at Contemporary Heaven. These are great because they can hold as many as nine photos. So you can have a series of photos from “that” party, your holiday, your new born baby, the dog fooling about in the garden, the cat refusing to come down from the tree, the carnival, or anything else at all.