We Are In The 21st Century And It’s Time To Go With The Flow

We Are In The 21st Century And It’s Time To Go With The Flow

At Contemporary Heaven we stock a huge range of items for the modern home in the 21st century. Some people do like antique furniture, and we accept that, but it is getting harder to find even if you do like it. But most people today have moved on into the 21st century (we are already nearly a fifth of the way through it, which is a bit of a shock) and are looking for items for the home that represent the way we are now. 
That means things which are different. They may in one way be the same but have been updated so that they express the modern way of life. Think of something like a bookshelf. It is basically a sheet of timber attached to a wall with a couple of brackets on which you store books. Or is it? Today you have our Kartell bookshelf which comes in three different lengths and which you can twist and turn into any shape that pleases you before attaching it to the wall. It still holds all your books but does it in a way which is different and, well, contemporary. 
What about umbrella stands? We all need somewhere in the hall to dump the umbrella when we come indoors, and where it will be ready and waiting the next time we go out. But what we don’t want is an umbrella stand that was designed in 1942 and looks as though it was. We want something that holds the umbrellas in a way that looks modern. We don’t want the hall looking old-fashioned, even though an umbrella stand is an old-fashioned idea. We want something that is practical, yet at the same time makes a statement. 
What about lighting? We could go on for ages here. We don’t want a 100 watt bulb (or 70 watt as it is now!) hanging from the ceiling on a cord with a fabric lampshade over it. We want something which stands out and says: “look here, I’m different”. Take a cruise through our lighting section here on the Contemporary Heaven website and you will see what we mean. 
Clocks? We all need a clock or six around the house in order to check the time, but it doesn’t have to be last century in design. We have a huge range of wall clocks and mantel clocks from which to choose. 
Yes, we are well into the 21st century now, and it’s time to accept that, and go with the flow.